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Setting up a Rally Obedience Show - Part 1

After Covid-19 which shut down everything for everybody, getting back into teaching was a hard task, and Rally Shows in Wales seemed not to even have the energy to get going again. We didn't have many of them in the first place! Talking with Nikki Kirk, my cohort in Wales, we decided that we would try and get a weekend show going. Little did I realise what I had let myself in for and how much time it would take.

Firstly I had to get a KC licence only to be told when applying that as a Listed Status Academy I had to get Show status through this first. After contacting the department required I had more paperwork to do. Insurance and recommendation to say my training area was acceptable was already assured, I needed a reference from someone who knew that I could organise a show and a risk assessment of the area written. The only person I could contact for a reference was Karen McCarthy, my business partner. Together we had organised Heelwork to Music training shows, workshops and seminars when I was teaching in West London/Surrey. Well, she wrote me a blinding reference and it made me aware how much we had done together. The Kennel Club (KC) provided a sample risk assessment online and I had to adapt this with the emphasis on Rally Obedience. It took a while but the KC granted me Listed Status for putting on Shows, which they back dated so I could get the dates I wanted for the two Show Licences I was wanting.

The next step was to contact the Society & Show Services department at the KC and ask them for a licence. I had to ring them eventually as it was getting close to the dates chosen for the competition and I hadn't heard anything back from them. A licence form was emailed and show dates had to be changed as you need a minimum of six weeks to get the licence. Forms were filled out and emailed back pronto. No where did it say that payment had to be sent with the forms or bank details given. Another email later from the KC stated that I hadn't sent the money and if I got the money to them that day they would put me on the next run of licences. At lightening speed (thanks to Faster Bank Payments) money was transferred over immediately and the two licences for the Show arrived by post.

The Academy's inaugural Open Rally Show for the 17th & 18th June 2023 was going to happen! We were in print, money paid and no going back! What had to be organised next was the next stressful scenario. Readers, please wait patiently for the next instalment of stress, angst and headaches in Setting Up A Rally Obedience Show - Part 2!

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